Program Description
All About Me Exploration provides children with positive educational components of self-discovery. Each child will identify their favorite food, color, animals, activities, and more through movement, art, and writing. This fun-filled exploration is based on the children’s book, Think It, Speak It, Write It, Do It, which teaches children the importance of thinking adoring thoughts, speaking positive words, writing down goals, and doing the work to succeed.
Audience Limit: 30
Appropriate for Grades:
- Kindergarten
- Grade 1
- Grade 2
- Grade 3
- Grade 4
- Grade 5
Workshop Cost Per Hour $165.00
Program Availability
This program is available as the artist’s schedule permits. Please call early to schedule!
Technical Requirements
Pencils, stapler for each child, crayons, and markers.
Program Restrictions
There are no designated restrictions associated with this program.