Program Description
Which way is upstage? Why are left and right different standing on stage? What is the difference between a prop and a set dressing? In this program, students will learn interesting facts about theater and also explore some of its myths and superstitions. Students will learn where these stories came from and why they are still widely believed or practiced, such as the existence of ghost lights and why you should not whistle on stage.
Audience Limit: 30
Appropriate for Grades:
- Grade 2
- Grade 3
- Grade 4
- Grade 5
- Grade 6
- Grade 7
- Grade 8
- Grade 9
- Grade 10
- Grade 11
- Grade 12
- Higher Education
Workshop Cost Per Hour $160.00
Program Availability
This program is available as the artist’s schedule permits. Call early to schedule!
Technical Requirements
Desk, paper, and pencils for each student and clear space for activities. Classroom preferred.
Program Restrictions
There are no designated restrictions associated with this program.